Category Bargue Method

Posts featuring studies based on the Charles Bargue Drawing Course

Bargue Plates 1.3 & 1.4

This plate was another hard one. It took me 3 tries at 2 hours a piece to get an accurate drawing. It is taking me some time to get used to this sight-size method, although I am seeing some benefits of using the technique. Namely, it is much easier to see major errors than if the drawing board were on my lap.

Bargue Plates 1.1 & 1.2

Starting off on our journey through the Bargue course, we encounter a number of plates that deal with specific anatomical features drawn in a simplified manner. Plate 1 deals with eyes - an appropriate place to start, since we're concentrating on learning how to "see" as artists.

My Working Methods

If you are taking a similar approach to art instruction as I am - that is, going it alone - you're going to need a well-defined plan. From the Charles Bargue Drawing Course to life classes, cast drawings, and sketchbooks, I plan to utilize a number of tools to develop my skills.